Saturday, November 6, 2010

Normal Saturday...

Today was a pretty run-of-the-mill Saturday spent wrangling children, laundry, dishes, and the iron while Kevin prepped his sermon for tomorrow in our back room.

Ry and Z shockingly played outside most of the day.  This is shocking because they normally loll around with no interest whatsoever in going outside, and there have been times where I have ordered them outside and locked the door so they can't run back in.  Then I watch them wander aimlessly around the backyard.  No matter how many lessons on tag, soccer, and the like -- sometimes the outdoors doesn't do it for them, or so I thought.

But now I realize that the temperature needs to be in the 60's or lower for them to enjoy playing outside.  Maybe my kids were designed to live farther north!  Now that I think of it -- no sunburns, sweating, or bugs.  My kids are no dummies.  :)

Also, I got them some rocking rain boots on clearance at Walmart!  Playing is so much more fun in the right footwear.  The rules are the pants must be tucked into the boots and the boots must always be taken off in the garage before they come in the house.  After that, the backyard's their oyster!  (I need to take pictures of their "play" outfits -- usually weird, strangely fitting clothing that only qualifies for muddy outdoor play, complete with the pants tucked into their boots -- cute!)

Now on to the Saturday night routine -- baths, family devotions, kids to bed, more ironing, and a wee bit of down time before bed!

Good night all!


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